
Proven Tactics to Generate Leads and Close Deals Faster: Lead Conversion Strategies /Back

  • August 26, 2021
  • Manoj Sundaram
Proven Tactics to Generate Leads and Close Deals Faster: Lead Conversion Strategies

What is the most important metric for your organization? If you answered "sales" then congratulations, you win! Why are sales so pivotal to success in business? The answer is simple: it's what pays the bills. Leads that convert into customers are not only necessary for a healthy bottom line, they're also how we grow as an organization.

But like anything else, leads can be hard to come by and tough to close. It is crucial that sales professionals know how to identify potential clients, manage their leads, and convert them into sales opportunities in order to increase revenue.This blog post will provide actionable tips on lead conversion strategies that will help generate more leads and close deals faster than ever before.

1. What is a lead conversion strategy and why should you care?

A lead conversion strategy is a sales tactic that helps sales professionals convert leads into sales opportunities. Leads are qualified prospects with unmet needs, while sales offers the solution to their problem and turns them into clients or customers. Inbound marketing campaigns can help generate high-quality leads for your sales team in order to close more deals faster. The more the sales personnel cares about building the right strategy , the more sales they'll close.

Here are some of the strategies that you might want to use with sales:

Mapping your sales process

  • A sales process is a series of steps that takes you from lead generation to closing the deal.

  • Knowing your sales process helps identify what needs to be done in order for one sales step to follow another.

  • The sales process should be at the forefront of your mind when you are generating leads in order to help them go through each stage and ultimately convert.

Qualify Leads to have better hit rate

One of the most important factors in your success as a salesperson is not wasting time on unqualified prospects. Not everyone who comes to you will be interested or able to actually buy what you are offering, so it’s best for both parties if they know that upfront and move onto someone else instead of spending more energy talking with those people.

You can still get busy all day long without making any actual money by talking only to qualified leads rather than chasing after every person who responds; this way there is some certainty about whether or not an interaction has anything worth pursuing

  • This means you have to identify high potential prospects and low sales opportunities.

  • A sales lead qualification process is an important first step in the sales funnel since it helps generate better leads, which will ultimately lead to more sales deals.

Qualifying Leads with Interviews:

- Qualifying sales leads also takes the form of a sales interview.

- Interviews should be used as an opportunity to learn more about what the lead is looking for and if they are qualified enough to move on in the sales process.

  • Know the difference between the interest and intent of sales leads

  • Interests are typically broad and open ended, such as “What is your company’s policy on warranty or post sales technical support? ”

  • Intents are specific, such as “I would like to purchase a new laptop.”

  • Intent questions are much clearer in what they want from you. They may be asking for a sales call or sales demonstration, but you need to ask them if they are in the market for a new laptop or upgrading from an older one.

When interviewing sales leads it is important to be able to identify when someone has an intent and can move forward in the sales process versus just being interested. It may take many calls before qualifying sales lead as having purchase intent and can move sales lead to prospect stage.

When a sales lead has reached the prospect stage, they should be qualified as a potential client and could eventually become a customer. This is when you would want to provide more in-depth information about your company’s products or services that are related specifically to their needs.

Give the information in a Packaged manner

Most people wrongly assume that their buyers already know it all or aren't interested in reading a lot of words. In reality your prospects crave as much information as possible.

You need to feed them information in the right format, so they can absorb it. Video sales letters are a great way of doing this. Utilizing video sales letters will increase your chance for success as Forbes reported that "video-based sales pitches convert nearly four times better than text". In addition, videos have an inherent ability to etch the messaging in the customer's mind.

By packaging your expertise into a video and offering it as an inducement to get them out there on the market , you'll have sales leads beating at your door.

It's a great sales strategy to offer them something of high value in exchange for their contact information and then sell it back to them later with an automated email sequence or sales call. This is the sales funnel which has been used by many successful marketers

2. How to identify leads that are most likely to convert into customers

Gentlemen, ladies: time to put on your detective hats. When you're out there doing sales and qualifying prospects in order to sell them the product that's perfect for their needs, what are some of the qualities that signify a good fit? Listed below are some of the qualifying questions that you might want to use while identifying your leads.

  • How does your product / service / Offering address a significant business problem?

It's important to find out your prospect's business pain point in order to provide the solutions that will address their frustrations.

"Understanding the problem will help you determine what solution is best. To do that, it's important to find out your prospect's business pain point-the root of their dissatisfaction with how they're currently operating and why they need a change in process or systems."

Identify and ask questions about a potential client's core frustration, then start looking for possibles

  • Is there a specific event or influence that made you think now is the time to act?

When potential clients experience a significant change, such as the change of leadership or major company development, they will be more likely to address their problem now than it would have been before.

"It is crucial to continually be asking questions during this discussion with prospects about what are they trying to change, what are they trying to improve, and how will this proposed idea help them make that change happen,"

  • Have you considered that there might be a reason why this has been a recurring problem?Have you attempted to fix this problem previously? If so, why didn't that solution work?

Perhaps it's time to dig deeper into your prospect’s past. What you thought was a perfect fit could be the reason that they haven't stuck with your company before. If this is the case, maybe what they really need from you isn't necessarily something tangible like new equipment but rather assistance in getting their current systems up and running again?

By letting your prospect talk about their past experiences on this challenge, you would get a better idea of what they're looking for in the new solution and their roadmap to the future.

  • What are some effects of not doing anything about this problem?

The following passage offers advice on how to deal with a lead who does not have any pressing needs. If the answer is "well, not much," it can be very tempting for salespeople to disqualify them as leads because they don't seem like someone who will buy right away. However, this isn't always the case! The prospect might just need more convincing that you're their best option--or maybe some education/information about what's going on in order to make up their minds.

The input mentions that if prospects do not think there is an immediate concern then it may be better for salespeople to either qualify or educate these customers so they are aware of potential problems down the line .

  • Do you foresee budgeting for this project? If not, what are your thoughts about this timeline to when might that be if it is deemed necessary?

Your prospect's budget is a crucial factor in the pursuit of any sale. If your product costs $1 million and they can only afford to pay for 100$, then you need to disqualify them immediately so that this potential deal doesn't fall through.

Having said that, those with limited financial resources are often overlooked by sales people, but it's important to remember that there is always someone who can afford your product. Remember the old adage of "you never know what you don't know" and try not to disqualify prospects out-of-hand due solely on their budget constraints; sales is a numbers game after all.

The next question you'll need to ask is if your prospect's timeline for purchases aligns with yours; are they in the market for something now, or will it be two years before they make their first purchase? This can help determine how much urgency is the urgency at the customers end.

3. Strategies for converting leads into sales deals

  • Contacting your most promising leads and giving them a quick call before they forget can make the difference between generating leads or actually getting paid customers. My company contacts website generated leads that we receive, then follows up with those who are interested within a few days of their initial contact.

  • And when the prospect doesn't respond to your phone call or email, send me one last email reminding them of your offer. Example: “We have not heard from you in 30 days. However, we want to ensure that you are still on the same page as our team of experts who plan to work with you. Please feel free to reach out at any time if there ever is a need for further communication." This will often cause a reaction — and if it doesn't then it's time to move on rather than wasting your time on a dead lead.

  • One way to identify a lead and move them to a client is through asking questions. For instance, you might say, “It has been over a week since we have heard from you! Have you had time to review the material and make a decision?”

  • Another great way to apply pressure is by including a “next step” in your rebuttal that remains open ended. For example, as a next step , you might say, “If we don't hear from you in the next few days, I will have to assume that your decision is no longer whether or not to work with us.”

  • Another sales tactic that works well for sales professionals looking to close deals quickly and efficiently is by asking questions like "What are one of your main concerns that we are not resolving?"

    In sales, it's not about convincing people to buy something. It is about satisfying their needs and wants in order for them to make a purchase decision on your product or service. - The sales process starts with the sales professional asking questions that will help identify what prospective clients need/want in order to solve their problem(s).

    4. Ways to close more deals faster by following these strategies

    Lead conversion strategies are often the most overlooked sales strategy. Many companies, big and small, spend a lot of time on lead generation tactics but neglect to employ any lead conversion strategies whatsoever. The result is that sales teams stay in perpetual prospecting mode while never getting an opportunity to close deals because they're always selling or pitching without taking care of converting their generated leads.

    Lead conversion strategies are the sales process of moving potential clients from being leads to becoming sales prospects. Lead conversions should be used in tandem with lead generation and prospecting so that sales teams have a steady flow of new opportunities. The best way to improve your lead conversions are Salespersons must make themselves appear trustworthy and empathetic to draw in their prospect. First, be aware of your prospects’ needs from an early stage and think about what will keep them happy throughout the process.

    Your potential customers may have a question or two before they commit to purchase, so make sure you create an FAQ page on your website that provides clear answers to common customer questions.This can be done by talking with sales reps and customer service experts about the most frequent questions and adding a solution to each one.

    5. What your competition isn't doing in their lead generation strategy that you can do better, and how this will give you an edge over them

    Storytelling is the art of Sales

    It's tempting to daydream about what it would be like if you had no competition at all. But when you build a niche, you come much closer to achieving this ultimate goal because crowded marketing has far less room for expansion.

    To compete in a crowded market, one needs the unique selling proposition (USP). The more USPs are made into stories and woven with other creative content - such as metaphors or analogies that reflect your product well-the lesser is the space left for competitors who offer nothing new but simply promote their products without giving any thought on how they will stand out from others like them.

    Storytelling can help us do just that by creatively crafting stories around our products and finding ways of making ourselves part of someone else's lifestyle rather than just another salesperson.

    People are more likely to be engaged by stories in marketing campaigns, so it is important for companies to find a story that will resonate with their target audience and make them want what they have to offer. Your story is just as important in developing a niche and building an audience.

    Share your journey with the world by regularly turning your narrative into content like blog posts, social media updates, or email marketing campaigns. Your specialization can also be long-term; this process might involve scaling back on products that are no longer fitting within your established focus area over time.

    Change your business model to stay ahead of your competition

    Run Downtown created a powerful disruptive force because it hired artists instead of businesspeople to manage its stores. They had freedom in shaping the interiors of their stores, and the result was remarkable. Every Urban Outfitters store was unique, while the competitors' stores all looked the same. The company raised revenue by a massive 500% to around $3 billion in the last 10 years.

    Run Downtown beat its competition by changing the traditional retail model: Its customers learned that choosing Run Downtown meant walking into a different store every time instead of experiencing the monotony associated with many retailers. Use Run Downtown as an inspiration, and consider ways to beat your competition that involve improving on an existing model, whether that's your current business model or a more prevalent one in your industry .

    Identifying a model that can be changed, and executing these changes can take months, if not years, but you can easily start this journey using your own products and services. For example, you could boost the capabilities of your current business processes using virtual reality applications like Samsung Gear VR or Digital Signage displays that will give an immersive experience to your potential clients.

    Giants like Nokia and BlackBerry were wiped out from the smartphone market because of lack of innovation. Remember, your competitors are regularly innovating, and new entrants are disrupting the marketplace. Your business should innovate often and in a manner that the competition finds hard to imitate.

    Innovate often and in a manner that the competition finds hard to imitate.

    After you have made changes, it's vital to analyze their impact on your business processes by reviewing sales figures or customer feedback for example.

    Feedback from customers can be used as marketing input - how do they see the changes? There are a lot of ways in which you can innovate: changing your products or packaging, introducing new services such as free delivery for every order over $200, using social media more effectively.

    Conclusion paragraph:

    You should care about lead conversion rates because they'll tell you how much money your company could make. Identifying leads that are most likely to convert into customers will help with the hit rate, so it's important to qualify these leads before trying anything else.

    The information we've provided here is a package of knowledge and strategies for converting more sales prospects into actual paying customers. If you're ready to take on this challenge or have any questions at all - please feel free to contact us! We would love nothing more than helping sales professions like you grow their pipeline by maximizing conversions while staying ahead of the competition through innovation and incorporating new practices like neuroscience marketing techniques.